菱川明栄 [invited]

[149]  EUV-FEL同期レーザーによる超高速分子過程のサイト選択的時間分解電子-イオンコインシデンス分光
伏谷瑞穂 [invited]
東北大学, 仙台, 2024年11月28日

[148] Molecules in intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa  [invited]
The International Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science (ISUILS2024)
Jeju, Korea, September 29 – October 4, 2024

[147] Laser tunneling spectroscopy of Ar and H2 by electron-ion coincidence momentum imaging
A. Hishikawa  [invited]
Shanghai-Tokyo Advanced Research Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science (STAR11)
Nankishirahama, Mie, June 20-23, 2024

[146] Transient Core-to-Core Resonances of Kr in Intense EUV-FEL Fields Studied by Electron-Ion Coincidence Spectroscopy
M. Fushitani  [invited]
The International Conference on Many Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, Clusters and Surface (MPS2024)
Shanghai, China, April 23-26, 2024

[145] 電子ダイナミクス可視化に向けたトンネル電子分光法の開拓
菱川明栄 [invited]
九州大学筑紫キャンパス, 福岡, 2024年1月30日-31日

[144] Controlling Ultrafast Autoionization Dynamics of He in Doubly Excited States
M. Fushitani  [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 28
Chofu, Japan, January 24-25, 2024

[143] 強レーザーパルスを用いた化学反応の可視化と制御
菱川明栄 [invited]

[142] 「一瞬」を切り取る:アト秒光パルスがもたらしたもの
菱川明栄 [invited]

[141] Electron-Ion Coincidence Spectroscopy of Transient Core-to-Core Resonances of Kr in Intense EUV-FEL Fields
M. Fushitani [invited]
International Symposium on Frontiers of Far and Deep Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan 2023
Kobe University, Kobe, October 4-6, 2023

[140] 強レーザー場分子科学の基礎と応用:反応する分子の可視化と制御
菱川明栄 [invited]

[139] Ultrafast electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy with XUV FEL
A. Hishikawa [invited]
XXXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC2023)
The Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Canada, July 25-August 1, 2023

[138] Tunnel electron spectroscopy of small molecules in circularly polarized laser fields
A. Hishikawa  [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 27
Chofu, Japan, April 19-20, 2023

[137] Ultrafast Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Doubly Excited States of He in Strong NIR Laser Fields
M. Fushitani [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 26
Chofu, Japan, March 28-29, 2023

[136] Asymmetric fragmentation of tetrahedral molecules in phase-locked ω-2ω intense laser fields
H. Hasegawa [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 26
Chofu, Japan, March 28-29, 2023

[135] Time-Resolved Electron-Ion Coincidence Spectroscopy of Iodomethane by Using EUV-FEL Pulses
M. Fushitani [invited]
SACLA Users’ Meeting 2023, Breakout Sessions A: Experimental Capabilities with Synchronized Laser System
Online, March 2-3, 2023

[134] 極紫外自由電子レーザーで観る超高速現象
伏谷瑞穂 [invited]
近畿大学, 東大阪市, 2022年12月5日

[133] Helicity-dependent dissociative tunneling ionization of tetrahedral molecules in multicycle circularly polarized intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa  [invited]
The 12th Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS12)
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, December 4 – 7, 2022

[132] Multielectron-ion coincidence spectroscopy of nonlinear ionization of atoms by intense EUV-FEL pulses
M. Fushitani [invited]
International Workshop on Photoionization(IWP) Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS)
Zao-cho, Japan, November 15-19, 2022

[131] Science @ FEL
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International Workshop on Photoionization(IWP) Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS)
Zao-cho, Japan, November 18, 2022

[130] Application of EUV free-electron-laser to ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy of nonlinear atomic and molecular processes
M. Fushitani [invited]
11th International Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Accelerator Based Sources (WIRMS2022)
Hiroshima, Hybrid Format, October 6-9, 2022

[129] Observation of resonant core-to-core transitions of Kr in intense EUV-FEL fields
M. Fushitani [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 25
Chofu, Japan, Aug 3-5, 2022

[128] Multielectron-ion Coincidence Spectroscopy of Nonlinear Atomic Processes in XUV
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 20th Gordon Research Conference on Multiphoton Processes
Smithfield, United States, June 12-17, 2022

[127] 強レーザーパルスによる化学反応の可視化と制御
菱川明栄 [invited]
原子衝突学会 原子衝突セミナー

[126]  Electron-electron-ion coincidence experiments on nonlinear ionization of Xe atoms with intense EUV laser pulses
M. Fushitani [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 24
Online Workshop, March 11, 2022

[125]  Time-resolved observation of Fano resonance in p-type Si
K. Kato  [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 24
Online Workshop, March 11, 2022

[124] Dissociative tunneling-ionization imaging of diatomic molecules in intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa  [invited]
Ultrafast Intense Laser Chemistry (#387)
The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021)
Online symposium, December 16-21, 2021

[123] Nonlinear ionization of Xe 4d double-core-hole states by EUV-FEL fields
M. Fushitani [invited]
Frontiers of higher energy UV spectroscopy (#408)
The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021)
Online symposium, December 16-21, 2021

[122] Electron-ion coincidence laser tunneling electron imaging of O₂ with auxiliary dissociation laser pulses
D. Ikeya  [invited]
The 4th Workshop of the Reaction Infography (R-ing) Unit
Online Symposium, November 4-5, 2021

[121] Transient reflection measurements for ultrafast carrier and phonon dynamics toward atto-second time region
K. Kato  [invited]
The 4th Workshop of the Reaction Infography (R-ing) Unit
Online Symposium, November 4-5, 2021

[120] ω – 2ω 強レーザー場におけるCF4 の非対称解離性トンネルイオン化
長谷川 景郁, Tiffany Walmsley, 松田 晃孝,菱川 明栄 [invited]
オンライン開催, 2021年10月26日-28日

[119] 極紫外レーザによる反応追跡と制
伏谷瑞穂 [invited]
オンライン開催, 2021年10月15日

[118] Multielectron-ion coincidence spectroscopy of atoms in intense EUV-FELfields
M. Fushitani [invited]
The Great Scientific Exchange (SciX 2021)
Online symposium, September 26 – October 1, 2021

[117] Nonlinear atomic processes in intense EUV-FEL fields studied by multielectron-ion coincidence spectroscopy
M. Fushitani [invited]
6th International Symposium on Intense Field, Short Wavelength Atomic and Molecular Processes (ISWAMP2021)
Online symposium, July 14-16, 2021

[116] Tilted molecular-frame angular distribution of tunneling electrons from O2 in circularly polarized intense laser fields by electron-ion coincidence momentum imaging
D. Ikeya, H. Fujise, A. Matsuda, M. Fushitani, A. Hishikawa  [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 23
Online Workshop, June 25, 2021

[115] Selective bond breaking of CH4 by ω-2ω Intense laser pulses
H. Hasegawa, A. Matsuda, A. Hishikawa  [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 23
Online Workshop, June 25, 2021

[114] 極紫外自由電子レーザーを用いた超高速非線形原子過程の光電子計測
伏谷瑞穂 [invited]
第27回 FELとHigh-Power Radiation 研究会
オンライン開催, 2021年3月22日-23日

[113] Ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy of Rydberg Xe+ by using EUV-FEL and synchronized NIR laser pulses
M. Fushitani [invited]
SACLA Users’ Meeting 2021, Breakout Sessions A1: Synchronized Optical Lasers
Virtual conference, Mar 09-11, 2021

[112] 極紫外自由電子レーザー場中Xe原子の多電子-イオンコインシデンス分光
伏谷瑞穂 [invited]
レーザー学会学術講演会第41回年次大会 シンポジウム「高輝度短波長光源」
オンライン開催, 2021年1月18-20日

[111] Molecular-frame momentum imaging of tunneling electrons from molecular hydrogen in circularly polarized intense laser fields
H. Fujise [invited]
The 3rd Workshop of the Reaction Infography (R-ing) Unit
Virtual Symposium on ZOOM, December 10-11, 2020

[110] Mapping Electron Correlations in Nonlinear Ionization of Xe 4d Double-Core-Hole States
by Multielectron-Ion Coincidence Spectroscopy
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 3rd IRCCS – The 2nd Reaction Infography Joint International Symposium
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Jan 31, 2020

[109] Dissociative tunneling-ionization of H2 and D2 in circularly polarized intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 22
Chofu, Japan, Jan 21, 2020

[108] Nonlinear inner-core excitations of atoms in intense EUV-FEL fields
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 23rd East Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics (EAWCD 2019)
Adelaide, Australia, September 23-27, 2019

[107] 単一次数レーザー高次高調波を用いた分子波束ダイナミクスの実時間光電子分光
伏谷瑞穂 [invited]
日本物理学会 2019年秋季大会
岐阜大学, 岐阜, 2019年9月10日-13日

[106] Dissociative tunneling-ionization imaging of diatomic molecules in intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International symposium on ultrafast intense laser science (ISUILS 2019)
Kushiro, Japan, August 6, 2019

[105] Ion-electron spectroscopy of nonlinear atomic processes in intense EUV-FEL fields
M. Fushitani [invited]
XXXIst International conference on photonic, electronic, and atomic collisions (ICPEAC2019)
Deauville, France, July 24, 2019

[104] Probing Rydberg-Rydberg interactions in N2 by ultrafast EUV-NIR photoelectron spectroscopy
A. Hishikawa [invited]
The 5th International symposium on intense short wavelenght processes in atoms and molecules (ISWAMP2019)
Paris, France, July 21, 2019

[103] Coherent reaction control of symmetric molecules using two-color intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International symposium on ultrafast molecular dynamics (UMD2019)
Tohoku University, Sendai, July 5, 2019

[102] Laser-field parameter dependence of many-body reaction of gaseous hydrocarbon in
femtosecond laser filament
A. Matsuda [invited]
15th International conference of computational methods in sciences and engineering
(ICCMSE 2019)
Rhodes, Greece, May 4, 2019

[101] Laser tunneling imaging of molecular photoexcitation
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International symposium on ultrafast electronic and structural dynamics
Tohoku University, Sendai, March 7, 2019

[100] Ultrafast XUV-NIR photoelectron spectroscopy of electron-core wave packet dynamics
in Rydberg N2
M. Fushitani [invited]
International symposium on ultrafast electronic and structural dynamics
Tohoku University, Sendai, March 7, 2019

[99] Transversal momentum distribution of tunneling electrons from molecular deuterium in circularly polarized intense laser fields
H.Fujise [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 20
Chofu, Japan, January 25, 2019

[98] Laser tunneling ionization imaging of D2 in circularly polarized intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
10th Asian photochemistry conference (APC 2018)
Taipei, Taiwan, December 17, 2018

[97] Formation of hydrogenated amorphous carbon by femtosecond laser filamentation in gaseous ethylene
A. Matsuda [invited]
13th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics (AISAMP 13)
Mumbai, India, December 4, 2018

[96] Multiphoton ionization of atoms in intense XUV-FEL fields studied by single-shot
photoelectron spectroscopy
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 9th asian workshop on generation and application of coherent XUV and X-ray radiation
(9th AWCXR)
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, October 16, 2018

[95] Photoelectrons induced by pairs of phase-locked pulses
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International symposium on ultrafast intense laser science (ISUILS 2018)
Visegrad, Hungary, October 15, 2018

[94] Laser tunneling imaging of molecular photoexcitation
A. Hishikawa [invited]
Ultrafast dynamic imaging of matter (UFDIM2018) & High intensity coherent nonlinear optics school
Crete, Greece, October 1, 2018

[93] Ultrafast laser spectroscopy for reaction imaging
M. Fushitani [invited]
Workshop to discuss the future of gas phase research
Taipei, Taiwan, August 31, 2018

[92] Photoelectron transversal momentum distribution from D2 in circularly polarized intense laser
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International on many particle spectroscopy of atoms, molecules, clusters and surfaces (MPS 2018)
Budapest, Hungary, August 22, 2018

[91] Three-dimensional photoelectron momentum imaging of atoms and molecules in circularly
polarized intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 19
Chofu, Japan, July 29, 2018

[90] Ultrafast nonlinear ionization of atoms in intense EUV/NIR laser fields
M. Fushitani [invited]
Conference on laser and synchrotron radiation combination experiment 2018(LSC2018)
Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, April 25–27, 2018

[89] Ultrafast Reaction Imaging and Control by Intense Laser Fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
日本化学会 第98春季年会
日本大学, 船橋, 2018年3月20日-23日

[88] Three-dimensional photoelectron momentum imaging of deuterated molecular hydrogen in circularly polarized intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 18
Chofu, Japan, January 29, 2018

[87] 強レーザー場による原子の超高速多光子操作
伏谷瑞穂 [invited]
つくば国際会議場, 筑波, 2018年1月8-10日

[86] 時間コヒーレントなレーザーVUV光源の発生と応用
伏谷瑞穂 [invited]
つくば国際会議場, 筑波, 2018年1月8-10日

[85] 化学反応する分子は『見える』か?〜分子を照らすフェムト秒の光〜
菱川明栄 [invited]
名大の扉 in 河合塾

[84] Visualizing photoabsorption of NO by ultrafast laser tunneling ionization
A. Hishikawa [invited]
Physical chemistry colloquium 2017@Sendai
Sendai, Japan, September 19-20, 2017

[83] Ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy of Rydberg wavepacket dynamics of molecular nitrogen
A. Hishikawa [invited]
2nd international symposium on attosecond science
Wake, Japan, August 26, 2017

[82] Tunneling ionization imaging of photoexcitation of NO by ultrafast laser pulses
T. Endo, A. Matsuda, M. Fushitani, T. Yasuike, O. I. Tolstikhin, T. Morishita, A. Hishikawa [invited]
XXX international conference on photonic, electronic and atomic collisions (ICPEAC 2017)
Cairns, Australia, July 25-August 2, 2017

[81] Photoelectron interference from Rydberg states of He in strong laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 17
Chofu, Japan, June 29, 2017

[80] レーザーベースのVUV光源の発生と応用
伏谷瑞穂 [invited]
名古屋大学, 名古屋, 2017年6月24日

[79] 極紫外自由電子レーザーで探る超高速原子分子過程
伏谷瑞穂 [invited]
分子研シンポジウム 2017
分子科学研究所, 岡崎, 2017年6月2日

[78] Ultrafast EUV photoelectron spectroscopy of molecular Rydberg wavepacket dynamics by single-order laser high harmonics
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 77th Okazaki conference series: International symposium on ultrafast dynamics in molecular and material sciences
Okazaki conference center, Okazaki, March 6-8, 2017

[77] 極紫外レーザー高次高調波による分子ダイナミクスの超高速光電子分光
伏谷瑞穂 [invited]
日本分光学会遠紫外分光部会 第2回講演会「拓かれる紫外・遠紫外分光法の研究領域」
関西学院大学東京丸の内キャンパス, 丸の内, 2017年1月7日

[76] 2色強レーザー場におけるNOの解離性イオン化
石原采佳, 遠藤友随, 菱川明栄 [invited]
富山大学, 富山, 平成28年12月10−11日

[75] Imaging photoabsorption of NO by ultrafast laser tunneling ionization
A. Hishikawa [invited]
The 9th asian photochemistry conference (APC 2016)
Nanyang, Singapore, December 4-8, 2016

[74] Coherent reaction control by phase-locked two-color intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
The Indo-Japan discussion meeting on ‘Frontiers in molecular spectroscopy: From fundamentals to applications on material science and biology”.
Kanpur, India, November 13-16, 2016

[73] Reaction microscope: real-time imaging of ultrafast molecular dynamics
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International symposium on multi-scale simulation of condensed-phase reacting systems (MSCRS)2016
Nagoya, Japan, October 10-13, 2016

[72] 強レーザーパルスによる超高速反応イメージング
菱川明栄 [invited]
神戸ファッションマート, 神戸, 2016年9月13-15日

[71] Femtosecond two-photon rabi oscillations in He
M. Fushitani [invited]
The asian international seminar on atomic and molecular physics (AISAMP)12
Changchun, China, September 6-10, 2016

[70] Asymmetric Coulomb explosion of CO2 in phase-locked two-color intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 15
Chofu, Japan, June 20-21, 2016

[69] 分子を照らすフェムト秒の光
菱川明栄 [invited]
名古屋大学理学部懇談会, 名古屋大学, 2016年6月4日

[68] Coincidence momentum imaging of asymmetric Coulomb explosion of CO2 in phase-locked two-color intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 14
Chofu, Japan, January 26-27, 2016

[67] 深紫外強レーザーパルスによる非線形原子過程
菱川明栄 [invited]
高エネルギー加速器研究機構, つくば, 2016年1月12日

[66] 極紫外および近赤外強レーザー場におけるHe原子の非線形イオン化過程
伏谷瑞穂, Liu Chien-Nan, 森下亨, 菱川明栄 [invited]
名城大学, 名古屋, 2016年1月9日-11日

[65] Dissociative ionization of excited molecules in few-cycle intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International symposium on ultrafast intense laser science (ISUILS14)
Kauai, USA, December 9-14, 2015

[64] Visualizing electron distribution profile in excited molecules by few-cycle intense laser pulsess
T. Endo [invited]
International workshop on ultrafast imaging science
Nagoya, Japan, November 4, 2015

[63] 反応マイクロスコープ:分子ダイナミクスの実時間追跡
菱川明栄 [invited]
京都大学宇治キャンパス, 宇治, 2015年10月23日

[62] 強レーザー場フラグメントイオン画像計測による分子軌道可視化
菱川明栄 [invited]
「新しい光科学の創成とナノ情報デバイスへの展開 Ⅲ」研究会
東北大学, 仙台, 2015年10月15日

[61] Ultrafast electron dynamics of He in intense EUV/NIR laser fields
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 19th east asian workshop on chemical dynamics (19EAWCD)
Gold Coast, Australia, October 5-7, 2015

[60] EUV-NIR two-color photoelectron spectroscopy on isolated atoms and molecules in highly excited states
A. Hishikawa [invited]
Soft X-ra y in energy and time workshop (SXET)
Berlin, Germany, August 20-21, 2015

[59] Molecular Coulomb explosion and dissociative ionization in asymmetric intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 13
Chofu, Japan, June 26-27, 2015

[58] Two-photon Rabi oscillations of excited He atoms in ultrafast strong field ionization
A. Hishikawa
ALLS workshop [invited]
Laurentides, Canada, June 4-5, 2015

[57] Ion-coincidence momentum imaging of three-body Coulomb explosion of formaldehyde in ultrashort intense laser fields
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 11th international conference of computational methods in sciences and engineering (ICCMSE 2015)
Athens, Greece, March 20-23, 2015

[56] Recollision-induced multiple ionization of CS2 in ultrashort intense laser fields
A. Matsuda [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 12
Chofu, Japan, February 2-4, 2015

[55] Dissociative ionization of NO in two-color intense laser fields
T. Endo [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 12
Chofu, Japan, February 2-4, 2015

[54] Visualizing ultrafast chemical reactions by few-cycle intense laser pulses
A. Hishikawa [invited]
Indo-Japan Joint Workshop on
“Frontiers in molecular spectroscopy: Fundamentals and applications to material and biology”
Nara, Japan, November 25-28, 2014

[53] 近赤外強レーザー場におけるHe原子の超高速2光子ラビ振動過程
菱川明栄 [invited]
東北大学, 仙台, 2014年10月30日-31日

[52] Visualizing ultrafast chemical reactions by few-cycle intense laser pulses
A. Hishikawa [invited]
P. N. Lebedev physical institute, Moscow
Moscow, Russia, September 25, 2014

[51] 強レーザーパルスによる超高速反応イメージング
菱川明栄 [invited]
東京大学, 本郷, 2014年8月29日

[50] Ultrafast two-photon Rabi oscillations in excited He atoms in strong laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 11
Chofu, Japan, June 30 – July 1, 2014

[49] Shot-by-shot photoelectron spectroscopy of rare-gas atoms in intense EUV-FEL fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
イーグレ姫路, 姫路, 2014年6月4日-6日

[48] Nonlinear ionization of atoms in intense EUV laser fields studied by single-shot photoelectron spectroscopy
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 1st conference on laser and synchrotron radiation experiment 2014 (LSC’14)
Yokohama, Japan, April 23-24, 2014

[47] Anisotropic dissociative ionization of electronically excited NO in few-cycle intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 10
Chofu, Japan, January 20 – February 14, 2014

[46] Multiphoton ionization of He studied by time-resolved single-shot spectroscopy
M. Fushitani [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 10
Chofu, Japan, January 20 – February 14, 2014

[45] 数サイクル強レーザーパルスによる超高速反応イメージング
菱川明栄 [invited]
北海道大学, 札幌, 2013年10月31日-11月1日

[44] 強レーザー場におけるNO分子の解離性イオン化:π-σ軌道遷移の効果
菱川明栄 [invited]
東北大学, 仙台, 2013年10月15日-16日

[43] Non-linear atomic ionization of He in EUV and NIR intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
International symposium on ultrafast intense laser science (ISUILS12)
Salamanca, Spain, October 6-11, 2013

[42] Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy by single-order laser high harmonics in VUV
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 38th international conference on vacuum ultraviolet and X-ray physics (VUVX2013)
Hefei, China, July 12-19, 2013

[41] 数サイクル強レーザーパルスによる超高速反応イメージング
菱川明栄 [invited]
岡崎コンファレンスセンター, 岡崎, 2013年6月1日

[40] 極短レーザーパルスによる超高速反応イメージング
菱川明栄 [invited]
ホテル阪急エキスポパーク, 吹田, 2013年5月20日

[39] Ultrafast dissociative ionization of molecules in few-cycle intense laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
Workshop on “Fundamentals and applications of laser filaments”
Okazaki, Japan, April 4-6, 2013

[38] 単一次数レーザー高次高調波による実時間光電子分光
伏谷瑞穂 [invited]
分子科学研究所, 岡崎, 2013年3月21日

[37] Photoelectron spectroscopy of atoms in EUV FEL fields
M. Fushitani [invited]
International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 7
Chofu, Japan, January 31, 2013

[36] シングルショット光電子分光によるEUV/X 線自由電子レーザー場中の原子過程
菱川明栄 [invited]
姫路商工会議所, 姫路, 2013年1月28日-30日

菱川明栄 [invited]
第56回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 特別セッション「光と物質の相互作用の最先端」
日本大学, 駿河台, 2012年11月28日

[34] Atoms in intense EUV/X-ray FEL fields studied by single-shot photoelectron spectroscopy
菱川明栄 [invited]
日本原子力研究開発機構 関西光科学研究所, 木津川, 2012年11月15-16日

[33] Atoms in intense EUV/X-ray laser fields studied by single-shot photoelectron spectroscopy
A. Hishikawa [invited]
The 10th asian international seminar on atomic and molecular physics (AISAMP10)
Taipei, Taiwan, October 23-30, 2012

[32] Ultrafasthydrogen migration in acetylene dicationstudied by time-resolved Couloumb explosion imaging
A. Matsuda [invited]
The 10th asian international seminar on atomic and molecular physics (AISAMP10)
Taipei, Taiwan, October 23-30, 2012

[31] EUV/X線自由電子レーザー場における原子過程
菱川明栄 [invited]
分子研研究会 「新しい光の創成と物質科学 ― 精密計測と操作への展開」
岡崎コンファレンスセンター, 岡崎, 2012年10月11日-12日

[30] Nonlinear vibrational spectroscopic studies on liquid/liquid buried-interfaces of ionic liquids
Y. Ouchi [invited]
The 14th international conference on vibrations at surfaces (VAS14)
Kobe, Japan, September 24-28, 2012

[29] Photoelectron spectroscopy of atoms and molecules by using FEL and laser high-order harmonics
M. Fushitani [invited]
The12th international conference on electron spectroscopy and structure (ICESS-12)
Saint-Malo, France, September 16-21, 2012

[28] 極短波長自由電 子レーザー場中の非線形原子過程
菱川明栄 [invited]
光化学討論会(ランチョンシンポジウム)[ X線自由電子レーザーが切り拓く新しい光科学の世界]
東京工業大学, 大岡山, 2012年9月12日

[27] 深紫外強レーザー場中原子のシングルショット光電子分光
菱川明栄 [invited]
電気通信大学, 調布, 2012年7月28日-29日

[26] Single-shot photoelectron spectroscopy of atoms in intense EUV/X-ray laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
The 5th Asian workshop on generation and application of coherent XUV and X-ray radiation (5th AWCXR)
Kashiwa, Japan, June 27-29, 2012

[25] Atoms in intense EUV FEL fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
The 13th IRTG joint symposium university of Münster and Nagoya university
Münster, Germany, May 7-8, 2012

[24] 光のゆらぎで探る:極短波長自由電子レーザー場中の原子過程
菱川明栄 [invited]
東京大学柏キャンパス, 柏, 2012年3月19日

[23] 和周波発生振動分光法による液体/液体界面の直接観測
大内幸雄 [invited]
東京理科大森戸記念館, 東京, 2012年3月19日

[22] イオン液体の液体/液体界面における局所構造の分子科学
大内幸雄 [invited]
東北大学, 仙台, 2012年3月10日-11日

[21] EUV and soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of atoms and molecules by using single-order laser high-harmonics
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 7th asian conference on ultrafast phenomena
Busan, Korea, February 12-15, 2012

[20] イオン液体の表面・界面化学の巨視と微視
大内幸雄 [invited]
京都大学, 京都, 2011年10月26日

[19] Probing isomerization and association reactions of acetylene by ultrafast nonlinear laser spectroscopy
A. Matsuda [invited]
The 12th IRTG joint symposium university of Münster and Nagoya university
Nagoya, Japan, October 3, 2011

[18] 非線形振動分光法を用いたイオン液体/電極界面のin-situ計測
大内幸雄 [invited]
新潟コンベンションセンター, 新潟, 2011年9月9日-11日

[17] Real-time probing of chemical reaction processes by time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging
A. Hishikawa [invited]
The 14th asian chemical congress 2011
Bangkok, Thailand, September 5-8, 2011

[16] Nonlinear vibrational spectroscopic studies on water/ionic liquid ([Cnmim]TFSA: n=4,8) interfaces
Y. Ouchi [invited]
Faraday Discussions,
Belfast, UK, August 22-24, 2011

[15] Enhanced non-linear double excitation of He in intense EUV laser fields
A. Hishikawa [invited]
Exterme photonics seminar
Wako, Japan, August 8, 2011

[14] Non-linear processes of atoms in intense EUV FEL fields studied by shot-by-shot photoelectron spectroscopy
A. Hishikawa [invited]
XXVII international conference on photonic, electronic and atomic collisions (ICPEAC 2011)
Belfast, Northern Ireland, July 27-August 2, 2011

[13] Shot-by-shot photoelectron spectroscopy of rare gas atoms in intense EUV-FEL fields
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 2011 international workshop on photoionization (IWP)
Las Vegas, USA, May 22-25, 2011

[12] 光のゆらぎで探る:自由電子レーザー場中の原子
菱川明栄 [invited]

[11] Nonlinear vibrational spectroscopic studies on ionic liquid/molecular liquid interfaces
Y. Ouchi [invited]
The international chemical congress of pacific basin societies (PACIFICHEM 2010), Honolulu, USA, December 15-20, 2010

[10] Nonlinear vibrational spectroscopic studies on buried interfaces of ionic liquids
Y. Ouchi [invited]
The international chemical congress of pacific basin societies (PACIFICHEM 2010), Honolulu, USA, December 15-20, 2010

[9] Visualizing ultrafast chemical reactions by few-cycle intense laser pulse
A. Hishikawa [invited]
The international chemical congress of pacific basin societies (PACIFICHEM 2010), Honolulu, USA, December 18, 2010

[8] Generation and application of single-order harmonics for ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 10th IRTG joint symposium university of Münster and Nagoya university
Münster, Germany, November 30 – December 1, 2010

[7] クーロン爆発イメージングによる超高速化学反応の追跡
菱川明栄 [invited]

[6] Dynamically assembled nano-layer of alkyl chains at ionic liquid/molecular liquid interfaces studied by IR-Vis sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy
Y. Ouchi [invited]
International conference on nanoscopic colloid and surface science (NCSS2010), Makuhari, Japan, Sept. 19-22.

[5] Visualizing ultrafast chemical reactions by intense ultrashort laser pulses
A. Hishikawa [invited]
The 7th international conference on vacuum ultraviolet and X-ray physics (VUVX 2010)
Vancouver, Canada, July 15, 2010

[4] 数サイクル強レーザー場における分子過程
菱川明栄 [invited]

[3] Visualizing ultrafast chemical reaction by few-cycle intense laser pulses
A. Hishikawa [invited]
The 4th Yamada symposium on advanced photons and science evolution 2010 (APSE2010)
Osaka, Japan, June 2010

[2] Generation and application of single order harmonics for ultrafast reaction probing
M. Fushitani [invited]
The 14th east asian workshop on chemical dynamics (EAWCD14)
Nara, Japan, May, 2010

[1] Visualizing ultrafast chemical reaction by few-cycle intense laser pulses
A. Hishikawa [invited]
The 9th joint seminar university of Münster – Nagoya University
Nagoya, Japan, May 2010