[48] Wave-packet manipulation of He Rydberg states by a seeded free-electron laser
M. Dumergue, P.A. Carpeggiani, T. Csizmadia, M. Danailov, A. Demidovich, G. D. Ninno, M. D. Frai, P. Eng-Johnsson, D. Ertel, H. Fujise, M. Fushitani, L. Giannessi, H. N. Gopalakrishna, A. Hishikawa, H. Ibrahim, S. Kühn, F. Légaré, Y. Luo, P. K. Maroju, J. Mauritsson, M. Moioli, A. Olofsson, J. Peschel, O. Plekan, S. T. Pratt, L. Raimondi, P. R. Ribič, S. Saito, G. Sansone, R. Shah, E. R. Simpson, D. You, M. Zangrando, C. Callegari, K. Ueda, and K. C. Prince
Phys. Rev. Research 6 (2024) 043323 [DOI: 10.1103/6.043323]
[47] State-selective dissociative double ionization of CH3I and CH2I2 via I 4d core-hole states studied by multi-electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy
M. Fushitani, Y. Hikosaka, M. Tashiro and A. Hishikawa
J. Chem. Phys. 160 (2024) 174307 [DOI: 10.1063/5.0204769]
[46] Exploring the Ultrafast and Isomer-Dependent Photodissociation of Iodothiophenes via Site-Selective Ionization
W. Razmus, F. Allum, J. Harries, Y. Kumagai, K. Nagaya, S. Bhattacharyya, M. Britton, M. Brouard, P. Bucksbaum, K. Cheung, S. Crane, M. Fushitani, I. Gabalski, G. Tatsuo, A. Ghrist, D. Heathcote, Y. Hikosaka, A. Hishikawa, P. Hockett, E. Jones, E. Kukk, H. Iwayama, H. V. S. Lam, J. McManus, D. Milesevic, S. Minemoto, A. Niozu, A. Orr-Ewing, S. Owada, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, D. Townsend, K. Ueda, J. Unwin, C. Vallance, A. Venkatachalam, S. Wada, T. Walmsley, E. Warne, J. Woodhouse, M. Burt, M. Ashfold, J. Mikosch, R. Russell and R. Forbes
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[45] Ion-core switching in Rydberg series of XeKr
Y. Fukuda, T. Szidarovszky, M. Nakata, A. Hishikawa and K. Yamanouchi
Molecular Phys. 122 (2024) Issue 15-16 [DOI: /10.1080/00268976]
[44] Wave packet dynamics and control in excited states of molecular nitrogen
M. Fushitani, H. Fujise, A. Hishikawa, D. You, S. Saito, Y. Luo, K. Ueda, H. Ibrahim, F. Légaré, S. Pratt, P. Eng-Johnsson, J. Mauritsson, A. Olofsson, J. Peschel, E. Simpson, P. Carpeggiani, D. Ertel, P. Maroju, M. Moioli, G. Sansone, R. Shah, T. Csizmadia, M. Dumergue, H. G. Harshitha, S. Kühn, C. Callegari, M. Danailov, A. Demidovich, L. Raimondi, M. Zangrando, G. De Ninno, M. Di Fraia, L. Giannessi, O. Plekan, P. Ribic, and K. Prince
J. Chem. Phys. 160 (2024) 104203 [DOI: /10.1063/5.0188182]
[43] Dissociative ionization and Coulomb explosion of CH₄ in two-color asymmetric intense laser fields
H. Hasegawa, A. Matsuda, T. Morishita, L. B. Madsen, F. Jensen, O. I. Tolstikhin and A. Hishikawa
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25 (2023) 25408 – 25419 [DOI: 10.1039/d3cp02337k]
[42] Capturing transient core-to-core resonances in Kr in intense extreme-ultraviolet laser fields by electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy
M. Fushitani, M. Yamada, H. Fujise, S. Owada, T. Togashi, K. Nakajima, M. Yahashi, A. Matsuda, Y. Hikosaka and A. Hishikawa
Phys. Rev. A 107 (2023) L021101 [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.107.L021101]
[41] Orbital effects on tunnel-electron momentum distributions: Ar and H2 studied by electron-ion coincidence momentum imaging
D. Ikeya, H. Fujise, S. Inaba, M. Takahashi, M. Yamamoto, T. Nakamura, Y. Nagao, A. Matsuda, M. Fushitani and A. Hishikawa
J. Electron Spectrosc. Rel. Phenom. 262 (2023) 147280 [DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2022.147280].
[40] Asymmetric dissociative tunneling ionization of tetrafluoromethane in ω-2ω intense laser fields
H. Hasegawa, T. Walmsley, A. Matsuda, T. Morishita, L. B. Madsen, F. Jensen, O. I. Tolstikhin and A. Hishikawa
Front. Chem. 10 (2022) 857863 [DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2022.857863].
[39] Post-Ionization dynamics of the polar Molecule OCS in asymmetric laser fields
T. Endo, K.-M. Ziems, M. Richter, F. G. Fröbel, A. Hishikawa, S. Gräfe, F. Légaré and H. Ibrahim
Front. Chem. 10 (2022) 859750 [DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2022.859750].
[38] Helicity-dependent dissociative tunneling ionization of CF4 in multicycle circularly polarized intense laser fields
H. Fujise, M. Uemura, H. Hasegawa, D. Ikeya, A. Matsuda, T. Morishita, L. B. Madsen, F. Jensen, O. I. Tolstikhin and A. Hishikawa
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24 (2022) 8962-8969 [DOI: 10.1039/D1CP05858D].
[37] Electronic relaxation and dissociation dynamics in formaldehyde: pump wavelength dependence
T. Endo, S. P. Neville, P. Lassonde, C. Qu, H. Fujise, M. Fushitani, A. Hishikawa, P. L. Houston, J. M. Bowman, F. Légaré, M. S. Schuurman and H. Ibrahim
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24 (2022) 1779-1786 [DOI: 10.1039/D1CP04264E]
[36] Association reaction of gaseous C₂H₄ in femtosecond laser filaments studied by time-of-flight mass spectrometry
A. Matsuda, K. Tani, Y. Takeuchi, Y. Hayakawa and A. Hishikawa
ACS Omega 6 (2021) 29862−29868 [DOI:10.1021/acsomega.1c04354]
[35] Time-resolved shot-by-shot photoelectron spectroscopy of autoionizing Xe⁺ states by EUV–free-electron-laser and near-IR laser pulses
M. Fushitani, Y. Kawabe, H. Fujise, M. Yamada, H. Hasegawa, S. Owada, T. Togashi, K. Nakajima, M. Yabashi, A. Matsuda, Y. Hikosaka and A. Hishikawa
Phys. Rev. A 104 (2021) 023102 [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.104.023102]
[34] Time-resolved photoelectron imaging of complex resonances in molecular nitrogen
M. Fushitani, S. Pratt, D. You, S. Saito, Y. Luo, K. Ueda, H. Fujise, A. Hishikawa, H. Ibrahim, F. Légaré, P. Johnsson, J. Peschel, E. Simpson, A. Olofsson, J. Mauritsson, P. Carpeggiani, P. Maroju, M. Moioli, D. Ertel, R. Shah, G. Sansone, T. Csizmadia, M. Dumergue, G. Harshitha, S. Kühn, C. Callegari, O. Plekan, M. Di Fraia, M. Danailov, A. Demidovich, L. Giannessi, L. Raimondi, M. Zangrando, G. De Ninno, P. Ribič and K. Prince
J. Chem. Phys. 154 (2021) 144305 [DOI:10.1063/5.0046577]
[33] Capturing roaming molecular fragments in real time
T. Endo, S. P. Neville, V. Wanie, S. Beaulieu, C. Qu, J. Deschamps, P. Lassonde, B. E. Schmidt, H. Fujise, M. Fushitani, A. Hishikawa, P. L. Houston, J. M. Bowman, M. S. Schuurman, F. Légaré and H. Ibrahim
Science 370 (2020) 1072-1077 [DOI: 10.1126/science.abc2960]
[32] Ultrafast reaction imaging and control by ultrashort intense laser pulses
A. Hishikawa, A. Matsuda and M. Fushitani
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[31] Characterization of soft X-ray FEL pulse duration with two-color photoelectron spectroscopy
S. Owada, M. Fushitani, A. Matsuda, H. Fujise, Y. Sasaki, Y. Hikosaka, A. Hishikawa and M. Yabashi
J. Synchrotron Radiat. 27 (2020) 1362-1365 [DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520008516]
[30] Multielectron-ion coincidence spectroscopy of Xe in extreme ultraviolet laser fields: nonlinear multiple ionization via double core-hole states
M. Fushitani, Y. Sasaki, A. Matsuda, H. Fujise, Y. Kawabe, K. Hashigaya, S. Owada, T. Togashi, K. Nakajima, M. Yabashi, Y. Hikosaka, A. Hishikawa
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[29] Angle dependence of dissociative tunneling ionization of NO in asymmetric two-color intense laser fields
T. Endo, H. Fujise, H. Hasegawa, A. Matsuda, M. Fushitani. O. I. Tolstikhin, T. Morishita and A. Hishikawa
Phys. Rev. A 100 (2019) 053422 [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.100.053422]
[28] Probing Rydberg-Rydberg interactions in N2 by ultrafast EUV-NIR photoelectron spectroscopy
M. Fushitani, Y. Toida, F. Légaré, A. Hishikawa
Opt. Express 27 (2019) 19702-19711 [DOI: 10.1364/OE.27.019702]
[27] Coincidence momentum imaging of four-and three-body Coulomb explosion of formaldehyde in ultrashort intense laser fields
C.-M. Tseng, M. Fushitani. A. Matsuda, A. Hishikawa
J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 228 (2018) 25-30 [DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2018.07.001]
[26] Femtosecond laser filamentation in gaseous ethylene: Formation of hydrogenated amorphous carbon
A. Matsuda, T. Hayashi, R. Kitaura, A. Hishikawa
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[25] Selective bond breaking of CO2 in phase-locked two-color intense laser fields: Laser field intensity dependence
T. Endo, H. Fujise, Y. Kawachi, A. Ishihara, A. Matsuda, M. Fushitani, H. Kono, A. Hishikawa
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19 (2017) 3550-3556 [DOI: 10.1039/C6CP07471E]
[24] Single-order laser high harmonics in XUV for ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy of molecular wavepacket dynamics
M. Fushitani and A. Hishikawa
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[23] Imaging electronic excitation of NO by ultrafast laser tunneling ionization
T. Endo, A. Matsuda, M. Fushitani, T. Yasuike, O. I. Tolstikhin, T. Morishita and A. Hishikawa
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[22] Coincidence momentum imaging of asymmetric Coulomb explosion of CO2 in phase-locked two-color intense laser fields
T. Endo, H. Fujise, A. Matsuda, M. Fushitani, H. Kono and A. Hishikawa
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[21] Photoelectron sidebands induced by a chirped laser field for shot-by-shot temporal characterization of FEL pulses
C.-N. Liu, T. Motishita, M. Fushitani and A. Hishikawa
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[20] Femtosecond two-photon Rabi oscillations in excited He driven by ultrashort intense laser fields
M. Fushitani, C.-N. Liu, A. Matsuda, T. Endo, Y. Toida, M. Nagasono, T. Togashi, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, Y. Hikosaka, T. Morishita, A. Hishikawa
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[19] Five-photon sequential double ionization of He in intense extreme-ultraviolet free-electron laser fields
Y. Hikosaka, M. Fushitani, A. Matsuda, T. Endo, Y. Toida, E. Shigemasa, M. Nagasono, K. Tono, T. Togashi, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa and A. Hishikawa
Phys. Rev. A 90 (2014) 053403 (5 pages) [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.053403]
[18] Photoelectron-photoion correlation in ultrafast multichannel photoionization of Ar
R. Itakura, M. Fushitani, A. Hishikawa and T. Sako
J. Phys. B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 195602 (9 pages) [DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/47/19/195602]
[17] Time-resolved laser Coulomb explosion imaging using few-cycle intense laser pulses: Application to exploding CS₂ in highly charged states
A. Matsuda, E. J. Takahashi and A. Hishikawa
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[16] Non-resonant EUV-UV two-color two-photon ionization of He studied by single-shot photoelectron spectroscopy
M. Fushitani, Y. Hikosaka, A. Matsuda, T. Endo, E. Shigemasa, M. Nagasono, T. Sato, T. Togashi, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa and A. Hishikawa
Phys. Rev. A 88 (2013) 063422 (6 pages) [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.88.063422]
[15] Resonances in three-photon double ionization of Ar in intense extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser fields studied by shot-by-shot photoelectron spectroscopy
Y. Hikosaka, M. Fushitani, A. Matsuda, T. Endo, Y. Toida, E. Shigemasa, M. Nagasono, K. Tono, T. Togashi, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa and A. Hishikawa
Phys. Rev. A 88 (2013) 023421 (6 pages) [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.88.023421]
[14] Compact XFEL and AMO sciences: SACLA and SCSS
M. Yabashi, H. Tanaka, T. Tanaka. T. Togashi, M. Nagasono, T. Ishikawa, J. R. Harries, Y. Hikosaka, A. Hishikawa, K. Nagaya, N. Saito, E. Shigemasa, K. Yamanouchi, K. Ueda
J. Phys. B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 (2013) 164001 (19 pages)
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[13] Two-electron dynamics in nonlinear double excitation of helium by intense ultrashort extreme-ultraviolet pulses
C.-N. Liu, A. Hishikawa, T. Morishita
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[12] Surface nano-crystallization of an ionic liquid
Y. Jeon, D. Vaknin, W. Bu, J. Sung, Y. Ouchi, W. Sung and D. Kim
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[11] Interface electronic structure between organic semiconductor film and electrode metal probed by photoelectron yield spectroscopy
K. Kanai, M. Honda, H. Ishii, Y. Ouchi, and K. Seki
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[10] Crystal structure, spin polarization, solid-state electrochemistry, and high n-type carrier mobility of a paramagnetic semiconductor: vanadyl tetrakis(thiadiazole)porphyrazine
Y. Miyoshi, K. Takahashi, T. Fujimoto, H. Yoshikawa, M. Matsushita, Y. Ouchi, M. Kepenekian, V. Robert, M. P. Donzello, C. Ercolani, and K. Awaga
Inorg. Chem. 51 (2012) 456-462
[9] EUV and soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of isolated atoms and molecules using single-order laser high-harmonics at 42 eV and 91 eV
M. Fushitani, A. Matsuda and A. Hishikawa
J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 184 (2012) 561- 568 [DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2011.10.002]
[8] Nonlinear vibrational spectroscopic studies on water/ionic liquid([Cnmim]TFSA: n = 4, 8) interfaces
T. Iwahashi, Y. Sakai, D. Kim, T. Ishiyama, A. Morita and Y. Ouchi
Faraday Discuss. 154 (2011) 289-301
[7] Enhanced nonlinear double excitation of He in intense EUV laser fields
A. Hishikawa, M. Fushitani, Y. Hikosaka, A. Matsuda, C.-N. Liu, T. Morishita, E. Shigemasa, M. Nagasono, K. Tono, T. Togashi, H. Ohashi, H. Kimura, Y. Senba, M. Yabashi, and T. Ishikawa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011) 243003 (5 pages) [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.243003]
Press release (in Japanese)
[6] A magnetic-bottle multi-electron-ion coincidence spectrometer
A. Matsuda, M. Fushitani, C.-M. Tseng, Y. Hikosaka, J.H.D. Eland and A. Hishikawa
Rev. Sci. Inst. 82 (2011) 103105 (6 pages) [DOI: 10.1063/1.3648133]
[5] Time-resolved EUV photoelectron spectroscopy of dissociating I2 by laser harmonics at 80 nm
M. Fushitani, A. Matsuda and A. Hishikawa
Opt. Express 19 (2011) 9600-9606 [DOI: 10.1364/OE.19.009600]
[4] Visualizing hydrogen atoms migrating in acetylene dication by time-resolved three-body and four-body Coulomb explosion imaging
A. Matsuda, M. Fushitani, E.J. Takahashi, and A. Hishikawa
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.13 (2011) 8697-8704 [DOI: 10.1039/c0cp02333g]
[3] Alkyl-chain dividing layer at an alcohol/ionic liquid buried interface studied by sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy
T. Iwahashi, Y. Sakai, K. Kanai, D. Kim and Y. Ouchi
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[2] Intermolecular band dispersion in a self-assembled phthalocyanine derivative film: The case of tetrakis(thiadiazole)porhyrazine
Y. Tanaka, K. Takahashi, T. Kuzumaki, Y. Yamamoto, K. Hotta, A. Harasawa, Y. Miyoshi, H. Yoshikawa, Y. Ouchi, N. Ueno, K. Seki, K. Awaga, K. Sakamoto
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[1] Multiphoton double Ionization of Ar in intense extreme ultraviolet laser fields studied by shot-by-shot photoelectron spectroscopy
Y. Hikosaka, M. Fushitani, A. Matsuda, C.-M. Tseng, A. Hishikawa, E. Shigemasa, M. Nagasono, K. Tono, T. Togashi, H. Ohashi, H. Kimura, Y. Senba, M. Yabashi, and T. Ishikawa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 133001 (4 pages) [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.133001]
Press release (in Japanese)